Wessex Close Play Area

As of 1st November 2024, the play area in Wessex Close became the responsibility of the Parish Council and we therefore have a green light to add, develop and change the area as well as to renovate and improve the equipment for our children to enjoy.

Of course, with such a responsibility comes work, planning and the need for the village to get involved.

We would love to hear from anyone in the village who could offer their help and be part of a team of volunteers to look after the Play Area. There are many, many jobs to get involved with and something for everyone, young and not-so-young.

Litter picking, grass cutting, equipment inspections, rota planning, cleaning, general administration, tree and hedge pruning to name but a few.

If you would like to be part of the team, then please either use the contact form or send an email to recreation@semington.org.uk

Thank you.