Meeting dates
Meetings of Semington Parish Council are usually held on the third Wednesday of the month, beginning at 7.30. For forthcoming dates please visit the Events page.
Meeting arrangements
The Clerk will prepare an agenda in consultation with the Chair and this will be posted in the documents section of this site at least three clear days ahead of the meeting.
Attend a meeting
Every parish council meeting is open to the public and are held in the Village Hall.
Having your say
If you have a specific point you would like to make at a Parish Council meeting, you can do so at the start of the evening before the formal meeting begins, when the Chair will invite comments from the public.
If you do intend to speak please notify the Clerk in advance either by email or using the contact form and selecting the option for “I have a question about the Parish Council, it’s meetings…”. In your communication please note the subject of your comments so that the Chair can introduce you and ensure there is sufficient time for any subsequent discussion.
The Clerk will prepare minutes of the meetings and publish these on the web site. Any comments from the public that are made before the meeting begins will not be minuted, although if such comments are later discussed by councillors during the formal proceedings, these discussions may be minuted.
Informal note
All the above may sound a little formal, which is partly because there are certain things we are obliged to do as a statutory body. But please don’t let this put you off. We try to keep Semington Parish Council as open and accessible as possible, so if you are at all interested, please do feel free to attend and just listen. If you wish to leave, you may do so quietly, and we won’t be remotely offended.