Framework Themes

Semington Parish Council’s Framework Themes

Planning & Development

We will seek to influence planning decisions to maintain the character of the village.  We do not want to stop all development, but rather ensure that it is proportionate and compatible with our vision and goals and specifically that change happens at a pace that allows the community to adapt.

This is why we decided in 2021 to work towards making a neighbourhood plan for the civil parish of Semington.

We shall achieve this through …

  • Scrutinising routine planning applications and commenting to Wiltshire Council
  • Informing parishioners of significant new proposals; consulting, capturing views and commenting as appropriate
  • Encouraging villagers to respond to significant planning proposals
  • Responding to statutory consultations nationally and locally
  • Conducting village-wide surveys on needs and development priorities
  • Representing the village at Wiltshire Council planning committees, local planning forums, community area boards and public inquiries, and liaising with nearby parish councils
  • Playing an active part in the development of Wiltshire Local Plans
  • Monitoring proposed legislative changes and submitting views

Goals for 2024/25

  • The successful submission of the draft neighbourhood plan to Wiltshire Council for scrutiny and inspection (Summer 2024)
  • A positive vote in the neighbourhood plan referendum organised by Wiltshire Council (Spring 2025)
  • To work with the developer to realise the neighbourhood plan’s proposals for a village shop (Autumn 2024 onwards)
  • To work on the other proposals for change in the plan (Spring 2025)

Parish Council Theme Lead: Cllr. Scott

Transport & Traffic

We will encourage the management of roads and other transport networks in a way that maintains the actively rural character of the village.  We shall achieve this through …

  • Seeking to reduce the A-road feel of the high street and adjoining roads within the village. Liaising with the Highways Authority and the police (as appropriate) on village traffic issues: speeding, parking, road safety, street furniture, bus gate, speed limits and other traffic management issues including the promotion of road safety improvements.
  • Promoting transport links that benefit the village: bus services, cycle routes, bridleways, footpaths
  • Identifying changes wanted, and finding ways and means for these to happen
  • Representing the village at Community Area Highways meetings
  • Consulting with villagers about possible transport developments and supporting appropriate actions that align with our vision and goals

Parish Council Theme Lead: Cllr. Wade

Environment & Streetscene

We will actively nurture and enhance the rural character of the village within its wider rural landscape.  We shall achieve this through …

  • Encouraging and helping community efforts to keep the built areas clean and attractive by supporting volunteer groups to: pick litter; control weed growth on pavements and in road gutters; prepare, plant and maintain displays in village planters; clean and repaint village assets such as telephone kiosk, litter bins, railings at the canal bridge
  • Monitoring, maintaining and encouraging the use of rights of way (public footpaths, canal towpath and bridges, bridleways and by-ways) and ensuring they remain open and safe for all users
  • Encouraging and helping community efforts to improve and maintain the green environment and natural rural feel of the village by: nurturing, improving and increasing wooded areas (such as Jubilee Wood and the Memorial Oaks); encouraging and maintaining wildlife areas within the built up areas of the village
  • Supporting landowners in the maintenance of the rural landscape around the village
  • Liaising with home and landowners regarding maintenance of rights of way and of the wider village environment, encouraging them to consider providing permissive rights of access such as those at Giles Wood. Liaising with the Parish Steward, Wiltshire Council, neighbouring parish councils and other organisations (e.g. Ramblers Association) to provide knowhow and support to village groups

Goals for 2024/2025

  • Repaint the phone kiosk
  • Replace the bench in the Wessex Close play area
  • Erect the “Rimmer’s Ramble” sign at Jubilee Wood
  • Clean and wash the bus shelters along High Street

Parish Council Theme Lead: Cllr. Hailey

Community & Communication

We will ensure that members of the community have the opportunity to contribute this framework and it’s themes.  We will also ensure that residents know who the Parish Councillors are and how they can contact them to seek their support and involvement.  We shall achieve this through …

  • Encouraging and supporting the work of village groups, clubs and societies both financially and in other ways
  • Working in conjunction with Semington, Little Marsh and Littleton Village Facebook Group
  • Communicating with parishioners through all Semington media: Parish magazine, village website, and our closed Facebook page
  • Helping promoters of new community initiatives (e.g. village shop) access advice from Wiltshire Council and Community Area experts
  • Communicating with local businesses to encourage their engagement with the village and to help them to thrive in the village
  • Supporting village social events such as fetes and street parties
  • Encouraging members of the village to actively participate in village life. In particular seeking wider support for the activities listed under each of these Themes.
  • Maintaining relationships with neighbouring parish councils, villages and towns.

Goals for 2024/2025

  • To continue development of the Semington Parish website and encourage it’s increased engagement and use by village groups, clubs and societies.
  • To establish a Volunteers Directory to encourage villagers to volunteer in a wide range of activities.
  • To establish communication links with local businesses to help them engage with the whole village.

Parish Council Theme Lead: Cllr. Chown

Recreation & Wellbeing

We will encourage the village community to be active, enhancing the formal recreational facilities around the village, as well as the wider rural landscape.  We shall achieve this through …

  • Encouraging and supporting community groups to develop and maintain parish recreational facilities namely St. George’s Tennis Court, football pitch and the Wessex Close Play Area
  • Working with other organisations to promote village use of recreational space: Recreation Ground and football pitch in Little Marsh; St. George’s Allotments
  • Supporting efforts to improve public safety within the parish liaising with police to tackle anti-social behaviour
  • Encouraging visitors to come to Semington to enjoy its facilities and landscape, walk their dogs, ride their horses and bikes, as well as visiting businesses and participating in Semington’s organisations to help them thrive

Parish Council Theme Lead: Cllr. McGarvey